I was both thrilled and amazed to learn that I had the power to change my being so profoundly. Thank you Robert! – Becky Koch, Research Chemist, New York, NY

I began experimenting with directing my center of gravity after working with Robert in person at a conference in June (2012). Since then we have used long-distance coaching by phone as he guided me through the rest of the Up With GravitySM system. I have found the method extremely simple and effective to use – both for me personally, and for all of my students to whom I have introduced the concept. It complements perfectly the other ideas I introduce to my Alexander Technique students, and all have found it a very useful addition to the ways they can easily and successfully direct themselves outside the lesson.Imogen Ragone, Alexander Technique teacher, Wilmington, DE

At will, I can walk with a lighter step these days.  I use my center of gravity whenever I start to feel heavy, or pulled into myself. – Peter Ferguson, Guitarist, Toronto, Canada

My Dad showed me the how to use the arrow, and I showed some of my friends and now we all use it. – Angela Ferguson, age 11, Peter’s daughter.

I wanted to share with you that many of my students are experiencing some wonderful changes in themselves in their explorations of Up With GravitySM. I have been teaching Alexander Technique and movement classes to acting majors at the university for years, and now music majors, and many of them had an instant experience of what we would call back and up when they think about and move from their standing center of gravity. One of my long time private students who always says, “I just can’t get started by thinking about my neck”, discovered release and length by thinking about her standing center of gravity.  She studies Pilates and completely understood the small engagement of that center to increase her stability in standing and walking.  It is really wonderful work and I want to thank you for putting it out there for the rest of us.Wendy Salkind, Professor Department of Theatre, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and Certified Alexander Technique teacher.

I found that playing around with Robert’s images and experiments with gravity made me feel lighter and more aware of my surroundings. It’s like having language for something that’s always been there, but difficult to articulate. The exercises are very simple, which means you can explore them easily in different situations. I’m having fun and am intrigued to see what will come next!Clare Maxwell, Alexander Technique teacher, New York City

Robert, I just finished teaching a lesson to someone I recommended your site to last week. It was right on topic, and I knew he’d connect to it, which he did. I asked him about it at the beginning of the lesson, and he had worked with it all last week. He’s a “mathematics guy”, and he very much appreciated the logic and the self-exercises, which he put into practice and said were great. He said it was “amazing” how much difference it made to think this way. He loved the idea of lifting the gravity line up. He had played with walking and sitting, and moving the line, and found it REALLY helped. I’m so grateful to have this additional tool, and thank you again very much for putting the time and energy–and creative thought!–into this.Jennifer Roig-Francoli, Alexander Technique teacher in Cincinnati, Ohio

I’ve been playing with these ideas today when walking around the house. My habit is to walk fast, pushing myself forward. Using my centre of gravity while moving helped me to find my natural, more comfortable pace. Thanks for sharing your work, very useful. –  Jacek Kaleta, Alexander Technique teacher trainee, London, England

A visual endorsement from Imogen Ragone:


Image courtesy of Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net